Best Typing Master course in jalandhar

Best Typing Master course in jalandhar

We are providing best typing master course in jalandhar.Typing is the process of writing or inputting text by pressing keys on a typewriter, keyboard, cell phone, or a calculator. It can be distinguished from other means of text input, such as handwriting and speech recognition. The world's first typist was Lillian Sholes from Wisconsin. She was the daughter of Christopher Sholes, the man who invented the first practical typewriter. User interface features such as spell checker, autocomplete, and autoreplace serve to facilitate and speed up typing and to prevent or correct errors the typist may make.


  • Use the correct finger to strike each key.

  • Do not look at your hands while typing. (Memorize keyboard reaches.)

  • Sit up straight and keep feet flat on the floor.

  • Keep home row fingers touching the home row keys; even during a difficult reach.

  • A student should be able to type 45wpm or higher in a single sitting (one class period) by the end of ninth grade.

  • A student should be able to type 3 word processed pages in a single sitting.(one class period).

Note:Typing is something most of us will have to do a lot of in our jobs. It stands to reason that the faster you can type, the more time you will save.

Goals of objective tests in typewriting may be measurement of: (1) knowledge of reading assignments, (2) understanding of typewriting rules, (3) mental applications of related knowledges, and (4) retesting. Objective tests may be typed on masters or stencils for duplication.