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CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is the most basic web designing language. It is easy to learn and apply. It is the language we use to style an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed. To learn CSS, enroll in the web designing course at Techcadd Computer Institute. Our expert faculty makes learning easy and fun for the students. At Techcadd Computer Institute, we do not follow the batch system. A student’s pace is respected here. Students can learn at their own pace, without any hurry.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets with an emphasis placed on “Style.” While HTML is used to structure a web document (defining things like headlines and paragraphs, and allowing you to embed images, video, and other media), CSS comes through and specifies your document's style.
There are three types of CSS which are given below: Inline CSS. Internal or Embedded CSS. External CSS.
CSS Level 1 is in practice defined as all the features of the CSS1 specification (properties, values, at-rules, etc), but using the syntax and definitions in the CSS 2.1 specification. CSS Style Attributes defines its inclusion in element-specific style attributes.
The latest version of HTML is HTML 5, which has changed the face of web page design. The latest version of CSS is CSS 3. Both of these versions work together to create interactive desktop applications that work on both a desktop browser and a mobile browser.
1994- HÃ¥kon Wium Lie proposed the idea of CSS. 1996- The first version of CSS was invented. 1998- CSS 2 was released and work on CSS 3 began. CSS 3 was very different from the other versions, fot instead of being a single monolithic specification, it was published as a set of separate documents known as modules.
TechCADD Computer Institute provides one of the best web designing course in jalandhar. It has an extremely educated faculty, which provides proper assistance to the students.