Programming Course
In Programming Course Students Learn Programming Languages to Design Webpage.
We are providing best web designing course in jalandhar. Bootstrap is a free and open source of frontend and backend framework for making the website aor pages much easier and faster. In bootstrap you have to understand the classes that make Developer's job easy. You must have basic knowledge for the HTML and CSS to work with bootstrap.
Note: Bootstap is easy to use, Mobile-Friendly, Customizable, Simple Integration, Pre-Styled Components, responsive features, Great Grid System. We are provides the best web design training centre in jalandhar.
Bootstrap is very easy to use but you also need knowledge for css and html. Bootstrap is much easier on load time to write the css code youself.
Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating a websites and web applications. Bootstrap contains typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components as well as javascript extentions.
First of all, Bootstrap is used for mobile first, we use handle of media queries to use sensible breakpoints for our layouts and interfaces. Bootstrap is used for all the devices like Mobile, Tablet, Laptops, PC, TV screens and so on.
Bootstrap is a free and open sourse code of css Framework that is used for designing and developing the website. CSS is more complex than Bootstrap because in CSS there is no pre-defined class and design. On the other hand side bootstrap is easier to use and also pre-defined classes.
Bootstrap is very lightweight, customizable, responsive structure, styles, several javascript plugins using jQuery.
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